Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Comparison Between Various Countries


Table 1: Top five countries agriculture comparison :

159.65 million ha
rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea, sugarcane, lentils, onions, potatoes
65,338,804 ha
Sugar cane, corn, coffee, soya Beans.
123.4 million ha
 rice, wheat, corn, soybeans and tuber crops.
73,460.7 sq km
Coffee, sugarcane , cotton
9,728,800 ha
 Rice, sugar, coconut, rubber, corn

The contribution of GDP in Brazil is 4.53%. From table 1 we can see that India is having high crop land so in producing different agriculture products India stood first.

References :

History of Indian Agriculture - After Independence

Present Technology

Past Technology

Many programs were developed during his period in order to increase the cash crops and food supply. After independence the population was increased even though the cultivation done was sufficient and it was supplied to other countries simultaneously. This means that after 1947 CE per capita production of the grains were increased. Many plans were implemented after independence such as land reclamation, Five-year plan of India used for development of agriculture, electrification, mechanization.

During this period different types of production revolutions came into existence after the independence they are:

In this period the consumption of the cereals were decreased and the consumption of fruits, vegetables, dairy product, non vegetarian were increased in the rural areas. Not only in the rural areas in urban areas also this change over started slowly.  

Farming fares kept on growing at well in excess of 10.1 % yearly through the 1990s. Contract cultivating which requires the ranchers to deliver crops for an organization under contract—and high esteem horticultural item increased. Contract cultivating prompted a decline in transaction expenses while the agreement agriculturists made more benefit contrasted with the non-contract workforce.

Notwithstanding, little landholding kept on creating issues for India's ranchers as the constrained area brought about restricted deliver and restricted. In 1991 the changes unfortunately helped an ascent in suicides by obliged agriculturists in India after product disappointments (e.g. BT cotton). Different studies distinguish the critical variables as the withdrawal of government help, inadequate or dangerous credit frameworks, the trouble of cultivating semi-bone-dry locales, poor horticultural wage, nonattendance of option pay opportunities, a downturn in the urban economy which constrained non-ranchers into cultivating, and the unlucky deficiency of suitable directing administrations.

Since freedom, India has turned into one of the biggest makers of wheat, consumable oil, potato, flavors, elastic, tea, angling, foods grown from the ground, and vegetables in the world. The Ministry of Agriculture directs exercises identifying with farming in India. Different establishments for farming related research in India were composed under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (est. 1929). Different associations, for example, the National Dairy Development Board (est. 1965), and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (est. 1982) helped the creation of cooperatives and enhanced financing.

After Independence many schemes were introduced in India for the farmers few among them are:
  • MGNREGA- Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. Its main aim is business security by giving no less than one hundred days of ensured compensation for volunteer to do incompetent manual work.
  • NAIS- National Agricultural Insurance Scheme. Its main aim is it visualizes scope of all sustenance crops (cereals and beats), oilseeds, agricultural and business crops. It includes all agriculturists, both loaners and non-loaners, under the plan.

History Of Agriculture - Before Independence



Before independence the agriculture procedure is completely different. It varies from one period to other period. The different periods are as follows:
  • Early History - Mehrgarh Period
  • Vedic Period (1500 BCE - 200 CE) - Maha Janapadas Period
  • Early Common Era (200-1200 CE) - High middle Ages
  • Late middle Ages (1757-1947 CE) - Early Modern Era
  • Colonial British Era (1757-1947 CE)

Early History:

Many staple food items such as wheat, barley were domesticated by 9000 BCE. It is followed by the domestication of the sheep and goat. Even the domestication of elephant was seen in this period. In 8000-6000 BCE i.e. in mehrgarh period itself the cultivation of barley and wheat including sheep, goat and cattle domestication was seen. The primary economy activities such as planting crops in two or six rows, threshing and storage of grains in the gainers were seen in this period. 

During Neolithic revolution, roughly around 8000-5000 BCE dominant support was far for the human societies was far from the agriculture even though the people those who adopted this survived and moved to next generation successfully. The agriculture communities were widely increased in Kashmir by 5th millennium BCE. Cotton is also cultivated in the same period and industries were developed. During this period few methodologies like cotton spinning and fabrication were used and its continued in the modern industrialization.

Vedic Period (1500 BCE - 200 CE) - Maha Janapadas Period:

In the later Vedic writings (c. 3000 -2500 BP) there are rehashed references to farming engineering and works on, including iron executes; the development of cereals, vegetables, and tree grown foods; the utilization of meat and milk and creature cultivation. Ranchers furrowed the soil. Broadcast seeds, and utilized a certain succession of editing and fallowing. Dairy animals fertilizer gave manure, and watering system was rehearsed.

Early Common Era (200-1200 CE) - High Middle Ages :

The ruler in this period was Chola Empire. During this period many new agricultural products were developed by Tamilians in a wide range they are rice, black pepper, sugarcane, coconuts, millets, beans, various grains, tamarind, sandalwood and plantain. To protect agriculture various techniques were used such as manuring, weeding, irrigation, systematic ploughing. For the cultivation of these crops water is very essential so people in that period started building dams and water storage systems. On the river kaveri a dam called Kallanai was built and it's still in use.

Late middle Ages (1757-1947 CE) - Early Modern Era:
The ruler in this period was Akbar the great. In this period the water work technology was explained in Arabic and Persian, due to this irrigation systems were given rise by irrigation technologies and this increased the economic growth as well as material culture growth. Because of this domination of cultivating between different place in India was started. The main dominating materials are rice in Gujarat, wheat and millets in central and north India.   

In India many of the crops were introduced during this period, like tobacco, pineapple, papaya and cashew nuts with the help of Portuguese, black pepper with the help of Malabar Coast, coffee with the help of Abyssinia and tea was grown in Assam. Most of the vegetables were cultivated in Vicinity of towns. And later on the cultivation of the mangoes and citrus fruits were also developed.

With the help of Akbar the great and Todarmal the agriculture methods were elaborated, and the cultivated Indian crops like sugar, cotton, fruits were moved to different places like North Africa, Spain, Middle East, due to this methods economy was increased in India.

5) Colonial British Era (1757-1947 CE) :

The ruler during this period was British Raj in India. In this global market was introduced for few important crops such as rice and cotton. In and around Chennai 800 villages  used to do agriculture works for the production of varies food items.

Overview of Agriculture


Agriculture is the back bone of Indian economy - it was told by the extraordinary Indian pioneer Mahatma Gandhi in excess of six decades back, and even now agribusiness have the same importance. It plays a vital role in improving the economy of any country. The word agriculture has a beautiful meaning and it’s a Latin word divided into two,

Later the word agricultura was changed to agriculture in late Middle English which is an art of producing grains and livestock for the society. 


The planet Earth is a lovely place to live in. Life has thrived on the planet, because of the plentiful sun and large seas of water. Regardless of where we go on the planet, there are dazzling plants, blossoms and creatures that get are consideration. There is a essential part in any eco-framework i.e. Flora. Of all the living organic entities on the planet, the most ordinarily seen by us are the vegetation.

Flora is the name given to the aggregate vegetation that develops or once developed in a certain range or in a given time period. Vegetation on the earth might be recognized from one another in various ways. The most straightforward is to separation on the premise of area. Plants that develop particularly in the mountains will be altogether different from those that develop in the desert. Thus, the plants that have adjusted to living submerged are dealt with as an interesting type of vegetation. Researchers can additionally think about 'Fossil Flora', which contains vegetation that was found in ancient times. 

The current widely varied vegetation of the earth is additionally separated on the premise of nature's turf in which it is developed or seen regularly. When we discuss 'Local Flora', we are referring to the vegetation that is grown in a specific area. Desert plants are the local plants of deserts everywhere throughout the world. They can develop in most climate conditions yet are local to the sandy rises of deserts. When we speak about 'Rural Flora', it's a type of vegetation that has been developed by people for a certain reason.

Just after the end of the last ice age (around 8,000 BC to 10,000 BC) Hunters assembled in and around the "rich fertile lands" of what is currently called the center east started to have the capacity to settle down and figured out how to plant and harvest consumable plants they had long ago accumulated. This made more sustenance accessible and the first real human populace blast.

 As a result of this, individuals could stay in one spot for any longer periods than their traveling progenitors in light of the fact that they had surpluses of sustenance from the plants they raised and the creatures they started to train, enough to permit them to extend their insight and assets on different things other than just food.

Customary horticulture, the most common type of farming around the globe, it came into prominence after the two world wars, as it was new at that time, learning about science expanded. Conventional farming is focused around treating the dirt and plants with items that are almost certainly poisonous and probably artificially processed in a research center. These items are utilized to keep the plants free from disease.

Agriculture is considered as an art; over here plant grows from the soil for the use of all living creatures. In history of the human civilization agriculture is considered as mile stone and main activities for the human beings living on the earth mainly in India. It is known as backbone of India because more than 75% of the people will be depending on this either directly or indirectly to run their life's n a successful way. In India there are plenty of acres of land. This land is used for cultivation purpose of animals, food, medicines, fibers, plants and so on. 

India is the famous place for producing many fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, few important spices, fresh meat, few selected fibrous crops such as jute, millets and castor oil seeds. In the production of the staple foods such as wheat, rice, barley etc India stood second place. In the same way in the production of the dry fruits, raw textile materials, pulses, farmed fish, egg, sugarcane and so many things India is known as the best place. Among the first five largest producers India is given the fifth place in the production of live stock and fresh poultry meat, cash crops such as cotton, coffee grains.

In general the population of India is very high even though it's in this way it have the capacity of feeding its  growing population without spoiling the production and in the same way its increasing the infrastructure and raising the farms productivity .When compared to the other developing countries like Brazil and China India stood the best.

India have different ways in the production of fisheries first is the production marine and fresh water fisheries for this India stood in the sixth place and next comes aquaculture farmed production for this India stood in the second position. Nearly half of the worlds countries are depending on this. Due to this India is known as fast growing industries area. In India agriculture is the main source of income when compared to other things.

A agricultural Revolution or agrarian revolution is a time of move from the pre-agricultural period portrayed by a Paleolithic eating regimen, into a horticultural period described by an eating regimen of developed nourishments; or a further move from a living manifestation of farming into a more progressive and more profitable type of agribusiness, bringing about further social progressions, resulting in further social changes, and some groups argue the revolution in worse individual living conditions.